2018.4—至今 湖北健康科学与工程学院,副教授
2016.10—2017.11 英国帝国理工学院,访问学者
2012.3—2016.9 香港浸会大学,博士,化学专业
2010.9—2012.11 美国康涅狄格州立大学,硕士,化学专业
2006.9—2010.6 武汉工程大学,本科,制药工程专业
1. 《4-丙基苯甲醛的合成工艺研究》,武汉市知识创新专项项目,2023年,项目在研;
2. 《用于阿尔茨海默症早期诊断的近红外二区荧光探针研究》,国家自然科学基金,2020年,项目结题;
3. 《高镁尾矿生产氯化镁和石膏晶须关键技术》,湖北省技术创新专项重大项目,2019年,项目结题;
4. 《基于多靶标的抗新冠病毒 SARS-CoV-2 药物分子设计与筛选》,湖北省新型反应器与绿色化学工艺重点实验室开放基金,2020年,项目结题。
(1) Xian Chen, Jiaoyang Wang, Zhenzhuo Mo, Lu Han, Kaiqing Cheng, Cheng Xie, Genyan Liu*, Lijun Jiang*, Kai Wang*, Jie Pan*, Development of Ru-polypyridyl complexes for real-time monitoring of Aβ oligomers and inhibition of Aβ fibril formation, Biomaterial Science, 2024, 12: 1449.
(2) Zimin Zhuang; Zhe Zhou; Xian Chen; Xinru Xu; Hangxing Wang*; Jie Pan*; A flexible bivalent approach to comprehensively improve the performances of stilbazolium dyes as amyloid-β fluorescent probe, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15: 44742
(3) Xian Chen; Wenjing Wang; Tangying Ye; Jialu Kang; Qianqiu Wang; Wei Yang; Heshuang Dai*; Kai Wang*; Jie Pan*; Lysosome-specific coumarin-based fluorescent bioprobes for in vivo polarity sensing and cancer therapy, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2023, 34: 1851
(4) Xian Chen; Yifan Li; Jialu Kang; Tangying Ye; Zhuoyuan Yang; Zelong Liu; Qingfang Liu; Yilan Zhao; Genyan Liu*; Jie Pan*; Application of a novel coumarin-derivative near-infrared fluorescence probe to amyloid-β imaging and inhibition in Alzheimer's disease, Journal of Luminescence, 2023, 256: 119661
(5) Hengde Li; Jiaoyang Wang; Yifan Li; Xian Chen; Wenxiang Zhang; Yilan Zhao; Genyan Liu*; Jie Pan*; Detection of Aβ oligomers in early Alzheimer’s disease diagnose by in vivo NIR-II fluorescence imaging, Sensors and Actuators B-chemical, 2022, 358: 131481
(6) Jiaoyang Wang; Yufei Zhang; Yifan Li; Enbo Li; Wenjing Ye*; Jie Pan*; Dinuclear organoruthenium complex for mitochondria-targeted near-infrared imaging and anticancer therapy to overcome platinum resistance, Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61: 8267
(7) Hengde Li, Jiaoyang Wang, Wenxiang Zhang, Zhaomin Xia, Na Zhai, Genyan Liu*, Kai Wang*, Jie Pan*. Functional bioprobe for responsive imaging and inhibition of Amyloid-β oligomer based on curcuminoid scaffold. Journal of Luminescence, 2021, 238:1182218.